Dear person who insists on writing out checks despite the fact we have a computer to do it for you,
What shall we do with you? I don't care for checks in general, especially in retail, but I understand the desire for you to live in simpler times, easier times, when checks common and not simply a nuisance to everybody around you. I don't like it, but I understand and perhaps even sympathize. What I don't understand, however, is the rejection by a certain number of your cohorts of a particular function of electronic checking... the auto fill.
Auto fill is a beautiful thing. You give me a blank check, I feed it into the machine, and it spits out a slightly misaligned but perfectly acceptable check for you to keep for your records, and one that is even easier to read than your own chicken scratch hand writing. You don't have to do a thing! But people, technology only works if you allow us to use it. There are some, and you know who you are, who still insist on writing the checks out because, as I learned today, you "don't like electronic checking".
A few questions...
1) What is it you object to, exactly? the speed? the ease? the convenience? Have a fondness for writers cramp or irritating people behind you? Do you object to getting out of the store faster, or enjoy a transaction that takes 10x' longer? Do you have time to kill before Matlock or Murder She Wrote starts? I heard, from one of you, you don't like electronic checking because it "gives us too much access to my money" to which you promptly used a debit card. Maybe it is just ignorance?
2) Ok, maybe I can understand a little bit if you just don't like electronic checking, but do you check writers understand that, even if you write out the check, the end result is still the same? You may not like electronic checking, but we still have it, and if you write it out or not, you are still going to get the check back with void in bold letters written across it. By writing it out, you simply delay the inevitable.
3) Do you realize that most retail cash registers are on times and that, on occasion, that time matters in evaluating performance?
There's also the issue of the good ol carbon copy. This is certainly a justification you use for insisting to write the check by hand, but this is something I have always found quite perplexing. Why would you need a carbon copy if you *slaps head* have the original?!? Seriously, who prefers a copy over an original?
I don't know... you people confuse me and annoy me everybody else. But I'm a patient person and continue to oblige your insistence on writing.
Brian, friendly Hastings employee