Saturday, October 25, 2008

Second Chance

It's something a lot of people don't get, and of those that do, many don't seize the opportunity. I don't want to be one of those people. I don't want to be one who has something so genuinely perfect staring him right in the face, yet refuses to take action. My willpower on such things is often lacking, however, and I am a lazy man. I need something to keep me motivated and on target. Hopefully this blog will help.

I've started many blogs in the past, but unlike most bloggers, it usually isn't very long before I realize that I have absolutely nothing to say. That's a very important and much underrated quality, having something to contribute. But certain life circumstances have changed my way of thinking a bit.

At the ripe, young age of 23 I was diagnosed, treated, and most likely cured of cancer. Of course there is nothing at all unique about cancer, everybody knows somebody whose had it and by the end of their lives, it seems likely that they will have it too. However, I believe that by having it at my age, it really gives you an interesting perspective. Kids get cancer, of course, and it probably does impact the way the live their lives, but the problem with kids is that they lack perspective. They don't really have a pre-cancer life that they can compare to and alter during their post cancer life. 23 year olds, I believe, perhaps just enough life experience to put it all together.
Older people who get cancer suffer much the same fate, only on the other end of the scale. They are often too set in their ways to really change their habits.

Perhaps this is all just hubris that comes with youth, but hopefully I can make something meaningful out of this chance.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.