Sometimes I'm not sure what it is that I feel anymore. I must be bi-polar because I'm all over the place. One minute I'm mad the next I'm depressed and the next I'm level. It's an exhausing cycle. Often times I find myself wishing I could just go numb to the world, a Don Draper or Dexteresqe level of escape. I know that's probably not the best way to do it, and I'm not sure how it would be done, but this sort of basketcase existence doesn't work for me anymore.
For a while I thought it was the job, retail can be a frustrating as hell environment, but I'm starting to realize that it might just be a symptom of some bigger life issue. This cloud seems to follow me wherever I go.
I'm way too open about myself. I'm often prone to going on these incredibly emotional and sometimes passive aggressively angry rants to people I don't even know. THAT IS NOT HEALTHY. People are nice about it, but I know deep down it irritates them. I know it certainly would me. I can't do that anymore. I feel a little too much.
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