Saturday, February 20, 2010

This Week in T.V


The only interesting that happened this week was the appearance of Ben Linus as a teacher in non-Lost world. This throws a slight wrench into the reset story and tells the viewer that everything related to the island got reset, not just the Oceanic flight passengers. Of course, this actually happened last week (remember Clarie's doctor?), I just wasn't paying enough attention to notice.
The Office

There was no new episode this week due to the Olympic Lames Games, but in the case of The Office, that is probably a good thing. The show is really starting to suffer from a dramatic dry well. First there was two companies then there was Jim and Michael as co-managers then Jim became the sole manager and then Michael became the sole manager again and it's just getting to be too much. The problem started when the key tension in the show, Jim and Pam's relationship, was finally settled. Where do you go from there? In the case of this show, you go through a confusing labyrinth of bizarre plot.

Burn Notice

Same as with The Office, this show has hit a bit of a creative wall. Burn Notice, however, has the opposite problem. Where The Office story is developing a bit too fast and haphazardly, Burn Notice is just crawling along. The individual episodes are still interesting, but the overall story arch isn't going anywhere. Primary, season long, characters are coming and going and when there gone, their existence becomes completely unimportant to the rest of the show. Remember The Agency of season 2? Of course you don't because it doesn't even matter anymore and this season would still make perfect sense even if it hadn't existed at all.

Undercover Boss

This last week had a rather interesting episode, the CEO of Hooters. Something very strange is starting to develop with this show and it has left me really starting to question just how the producers of the show are going about picking locations for the boss to go. It couldn't have been just a coincidence that the Hooters boss ended up at the store with the most grotesquely chauvinist boss I've ever seen, the single mom and the Marine. It's very clear to me now that the producers have ulterior motives for where they send the boss, take what could be a unique reality show and turn it into melodramatic tripe.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.