I've discovered what the hardest part of the job search process is, not going insane waiting for people to call. It's hurry up and wait philosophy in the worst possible way. You're excited when you send the application in and you think to yourself "this.... this is the job for me."
Time goes by.....
You finally get an interview and say to yourself "I know I'm close on this one. I just know it"
Time goes by.....
Eventually you realize that a few months have passed and you really aren't in any different a position than when you started. It's not so much the case with me, but with a lot of people who are searching for jobs they have, literally, nothing else to do. All you can do is wait and it's excruciating.
I've gone through periods where I have been driving myself nuts just waiting for the phone to ring. Usually when I stop thinking about it, that's when they call. Go figure, eh?
Well, all you can do is wait sometimes.
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