Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday April 29
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday April 27
Had a pretty decent day today. I was going to finish up some stuff for the last week of school, but I figured that for my sanity, I needed to take it easy today. I did some cleaning and decided, once and for all, to ditch the sham-wow. What a piece of junk that thing is. I prefer my paper towels. I also did some laundry... funny thing there, when I went to get my stuff out of the dryer, it wasn't there. The guy who was there thought that it was his roomate's and folded it and put it in a bag.... no big deal... at least I caught it before he took it home and I got my laundry folded for me... sweet.
I also came to realization today, when it comes to friendship, neediness doesn't work. Some of the biggest mistakes I've made in my relationships have come from the fact that I was too clingy, I whined too much, and I took every slight as a grave personal offense. You shouldn't have to work at friendships, nor should you feel bad when that person doesn't give you exactly what you want whenever you want it. One should be more comfortable spending time with themselves and not need people's approval all the time.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday April 24
THIS DAYThis day, I thankfully accept all of the good things that are coming my way. This day is full of excitement, love, energy, health, and prosperity. This day, people are calling on me to be of service to them and I respond by giving them my very best. This day, I think and practice health in my life, refusing to accept anything less than perfect health. This day, I accept the abundance and prosperity that is mine and willingly share it with others. This day, I focus on the moment and give no thought to the past or future. This day, I spend the total enjoyment of what I do. This day, I fill with loving thoughts and actions toward all the other people and myself. This day, I spend in grateful appreciation of all that is mine. This day, this hour, this minute, this moment is all that I have and I choose to use it in celebration
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday April 22
That entry I wrote on Monday, and the two poems that I posted, has still stuck with me. I have a rather obsessive personality at times and the caffeine consumption does NOT help. My stupid gmail notifier isn't good for me either and causes me to obsess over my email. Neither are healthy for me, so for the last two days I've been working really hard on cutting back on both. I've had some success, but I'm not sure how long it will be until both become habits. 30 days is an awfully long time...
I've been having goofy dreams again. I used to have them on an almost nightly basis, but haven't had them consistently for over a year now. The last two nights, however, they have returned. Monday night was a doozy involving me working for Hitler at my grandma's house in Milwaukee (hint: she doesn't live there) and having to bake him cookies every night. I'm not sure where to even begin to interpret that one.
The one I had last night I guess you could consider normal. I was here on campus, napping under a tree, when a person I knew in elementary school through high school, somebody I hadn't seen in a very very long time and never even went here came up to me and apologized for all the bad things she did to me in jr. high. The tricky part is that this person never even did anything to me... ever... what was she apologizing for?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday April 20
First, and interesting little internet letter I picked up from one of Larry
Winget's books:
If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be
cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring
people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be
grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to
give you any
If you can overlook it when those you love take it out
on you when through
no fault of yours, something goes wrong.
If you can
take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can resist treating a
rich friend better than a poor friend,If you
can face the world without lies
and deceit,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can
relax without liquor,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
If you
can honestly say that deep in your heart that you have no prejudice
creed, color, religion, gender preference, or politics,
Then you
have reached the same level of development as your dog.
This one struck me as in a particular way because I have so completely out of control with my bad habits lately.
One particular obsession casued me to write this poem....
It's the first thing I think about when I wake
the last thing I think about before
the object of many
thoughts in between
It has put the world at my fingertips
yet made it impossible to escape it
It has given me constant companionship
yet made it impossible for me to be alone with
It has provided me loads of information
yet much of it is false
It has given me an outlet for expressing
yet has never forced me to look deeply at who I
Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogspot, online forums..... all this
yet I frequently still feel alone
The source of my obsessions
yet a collection point of everything I hold
Can I live without it?
I have more to say on these issues, but it will have to wait for another entry
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday April 18
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday April 17
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday April 16
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wednesday April 15
I also had an interesting idea for a movie today. Or, better yet, a tv series. After John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln, he was eventually found in a barn that was set on fire and was killed. Some theories, however, suggest that he actually escaped that barn and either went to Japan or the western United States (or both). I think it would be interesting to have a movie (or show) discuss his life in hiding after he killed Lincoln (had he survived); the jobs he did, his politics, the people who helped him, etc. Of course it would be entierly fictional, as I don't believe it actually happened, but it would also be pretty edgy considering how popular Lincoln is now. To say the least, the politics of the show would certainly be interesting.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tuesday April 14
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday April 13
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday April 12
I finally got a twitter page set up the other day. I have been thinking about doing it for a while, but I just needed the right nudge to get it started. I'm not too sure how long this one will last, though, because I don't have a lot of friends that are on twitter so I can't imagine anybody wanting to follow me. If I don't get the feedback, whatever I do there is useless. But then again, nobody really reads my blog either, but I still do that? I suppose I think of this differently. This one is more for me and people reading it is just a bonus.
The more I think about my summer options, the less interested I am in staying here. The total freedom is nice, but I'm not too thrilled about not really having anything to do for the whole summer.... I don't count my RA job. That isn't anything.
As for my resolution to take a day totally off every week, I think Monday is the best day to do that. I technically have class at 6, but that's enough time to re-charge and I'm usually bored by then anyway. It's pretty convenient because the Cubs home opener is tomorrow. w00t
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday April 11
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday April 10
Ha! What a shock!
I hired a team of seven staff and set up an office in Richmond upon Thames, Surrey. While the women I interviewed claimed to be enthused by the idea, they still insisted on high salaries. Fair enough, I thought at the time - they are professionals, and I knew most of them were talented and conscientious because I'd worked with them before.
But within a week, two cliques had developed: those who had worked together before and those who were producing 'new ideas'.
Most days would bring a pointed moment when some people were invited out for lunch or a coffee break - and some weren't. Nothing explicit was ever said; the cutting rejection was obvious enough.
Even when we all went to the pub after work, strict divisions remained, made clear according to who sat where around the table and who would be civil - or not - to whom.
Fashion was a great divider, though in this battlefield everyone was on their own. Hideously stereotypical and shallow as it sounds, clothes were a huge source of catty comments, from sly remarks about people looking over-dressed to the merits of their fake tan application.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Damn Those Professors and Making Me Choose Things
Thursday April 9
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuesday April 7
Monday, April 6, 2009
Too nice?
Monday April 6
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday April 5
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friday April 3
It's funny how these things work in parallel lines. Edwards leaving ER was the death of the show, and it was also the death of his career. He certainly isn't the only one, though. The show has almost become Seinfeldesque in how its cast members have fared after they left. With one obvious exception, can anybody remember anything that any of the cast members has done since they left the show? Neither can I.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thursday April 2
What I'm Reading
Other Crap I Read
About Me
- kikachuck
- A blog of my post-cancer life.
Blog Archive
- Wednesday April 29
- Monday April 27
- Friends...
- Friday April 24
- Wednesday April 22
- Monday April 20
- Saturday April 18
- Friday April 17
- Thursday April 16
- Wednesday April 15
- Tuesday April 14
- Monday April 13
- Sunday April 12
- Saturday April 11
- Friday April 10
- Ha! What a shock!
- Damn Those Professors and Making Me Choose Things
- Thursday April 9
- Tuesday April 7
- Too nice?
- Monday April 6
- Sunday April 5
- Friday April 3
- Thursday April 2