1) Keeping up with the Kardashians.... seriously..... what is up with these people? I saw about 4 episodes of their show this weekend and wondered how they can stand this constant drama. Every week its some combination of sister hating sister or sister hating mother or two sisters hating the other one or all the sisters hating their mother.... ugh.... I weep. I wonder what their dad would think if he was still alive?
EDIT: I just noticed that the show is created by Ryan Seacrest.... that explains a lot.
I figure Bruce Jenner must have sold his soul to the devil and he decided to collect a little early. The man is a great athlete, but he's now stuck in the middle of the constantly feuding womanhood in his house and his son Brody.... well.... what can you say about the concept of bromance?
But, along with this, I was thinking about which of the Kardashians is the hottest. Kim is certainly the HTS (Hot by Traditional Standards) of the family, but I'm more inclined towards Kourtney. Naturally, she's the bitchiest of the bunch, but if I looked at personality, none of them would be terribly appealing. Kim gets all the attention, but Kourtney is the real fire cracker.
The fact that I could go on for 3 paragraphs about this has to be a bad sign.... right?
2) On to a more manly subject..... baseball.... which the regular season kicks off (is kicking off the right phrase?) tonight. I've never been a big follower of baseball. I should be, theoretically, because I'm a big statistics guy and that is basically what baseball is all about, number crunching. However, I also have the attention span of a gnat and when a game is 3+ hours, I tend to lose interest fast. I tell myself basically every year that I'm going to try and follow it more (except for last year... I didn't even try), but I'm going to try again this year..... right haha.
3) I bought the first Nonpoint album yesterday, Statement. I'm instituting a new rule with regards to music, though, I will reserve judgment until 5 complete listens. I think I'm 3 now. I instituted this rule because I don't trust my first impressions. I've made this mistake too many times with movies I have reviewed. I watch it, then immediately go to facebook and tell the world what I think, only to think something else about the same movie 3 days later. That's why, lately, I've held off on posting reviews until a movie has soaked into my psyche a little bit and have a better formed opinion of what I just saw.
I think trusting first instincts can be dangerous. Perhaps not as dangerous as over analyzing, but one must be careful not to read too much into what one thinks about something right away. Malcolm Gladwell basically makes this point in Blink, especially in analyzing why New Coke didn't work in the market place despite many taste tests. On one-sip (maybe two) taste-tests, New Coke fared very well, but when people bought, say a 6-pack, they hated it. That's because the initial perception was different from what they thought after they had time to get a better feel for what it is they are drinking.
Of course I have never trusted my instincts, that book just gave me a good reason why.
BTW, my 5 listen rule doesn't really apply to movies because I, with only a few exceptions, will never watch a movie that many times. It's just not how I operate. With movies I find it just as useful to watch it once then think about what I have seen rather than watch it several times to get an impression.
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