Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday April 3

Typically, when something is pressing on my mind really hard, regardless of how stupid it is, it can be hard for me to sleep. Not so much fall asleep, my wild assortment of pills usually takes care of that, but I were to wake up in the middle of the night, thinking about a particular thing usually makes it hard for me to go back to sleep. Today, for example, I was up at 4am and in deep thought. In the past, however, I probably wouldn't have gotten back to sleep at all. This morning, however, I was able to eventually fall back asleep at about 5, which to me, is a sign of progress.

One particular thing did annoy me last night, The Office was pre-empted so they could show a two hour ER series finale. I guess a show like ER deserves a two hour send off, but let's face it, the show stopped being relevant 7 years ago. I admit, I used to be a fan. I would watch the show religiously every Thursday night until 2002. That, for me, was it. That was the year they killed off Mark Greene, and with it, any interest I (and I will be so bold as to say, the general public) had in the show after that. He was essentially the life of that show, and when he died, so did the series.

It's funny how these things work in parallel lines. Edwards leaving ER was the death of the show, and it was also the death of his career. He certainly isn't the only one, though. The show has almost become Seinfeldesque in how its cast members have fared after they left. With one obvious exception, can anybody remember anything that any of the cast members has done since they left the show? Neither can I.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.