Thursday, April 9, 2009

Damn Those Professors and Making Me Choose Things

Something that has been pretty heavy on my mind lately has been what to do over the summer. Most of the semester, this hasn't been a problem because I just assumed I was going to be taking math econ over the summer. Bad assumption, though, on my part because it turns out that math econ is only a 5 week course (instead of the 10 I had thought). This caused me a few problems:

1) I  hate 5 week courses and I think they are a complete joke. You have to cram so many things into it, there is no possible way you can come out remembering any of it. 

2) A a 5 week math class is doubly problematic, especially one involving calculus. I have experience w/ summer math classes and it isn't pretty... that one was even a 10 week!

3) The biggest problem, however, is that the class doesn't start until July. That would leave me most of May and June with nothing to do. Add that to the fact that I have a few commitments in Farmington in June, it makes things extra difficult.

But, thankfully, the advisor came to the rescue. I talked to him yesterday and he basically said that I was a marginal case if I needed to even take the class at all considering I had already been taking my econ theory courses and was doing pretty well in them. He said, most likely, that I should be fine w/o it. So yay me, I could go back home to Farmington and have one last summer (relatively) free before I graduated in the spring!

Ah, but not so fast.... today, the professor that I'm a research assistant for had to put a wrinkle in my plan and suggest that I stick around and work on the project until the end of June (with pay, of course). This decision may complicate things greatly, but the more I think about it, the more it might not. I really don't do anything on this project, so I would STILL be a bum for most of the summer (not to mention what happens after June). I'm thinking of suggesting, maybe, that I be able to do it all from home. Maybe? I don't know. I really don't see why not considering what we do in the meetings can easily be done over the phone or via email.

With these tough decisions I really need to start listening more to my heart and what I WANT to do, especially when all the practical reasons don't really point to a solid conclusion. 

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.