Monday, May 3, 2010

Return of Mellow

Over the last month-and-a-half I pretty much lost my mellow. Yes, I had a lot of external help, job interviews, my oral exam, papers and projects being due, but true mellow is not about things that happen to you, rather, how you react to them. I just simply lost my commitment. But I think it's found again.

For one, I've de-cluttered. I don't know if they have proven this scientifically, but mess causes stress. I'm preparing to move again, so naturally, a lot of de-cluttering is necessary. Typically, I've just shuffled crap from one area to another, but I've committed myself to throwing a bunch of unnecessary stuff this time. It's amazing the stuff I've kept, books and research papers from 4 years ago! That's all gone now. It's amazing what a difference a cleaner house can make. Not just a shuffle from one area to another, but a true de-clutter.

I think I'm also developing a new outlook on the whole job search thing. It was stressing me out for a while. Why? I have no idea. I know this in my mind, but it is hard for the rest of my body to remember, but things really do happen in their due course. Sometimes it may take a while, and the company (whichever one) may not call me today, or tomorrow, or the next day, but they will call eventually. Just wait and let things unfold.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.