Morning blog:
Yesterday started out like a lot of other recent days, full of anxiety with a twist of frustration. But then I took a step back and asked myself "why?". I used to be of the philosophy that things happen the way they happen and we, as people, are largely just along for the ride. In fact, my dad surprised me a few days ago when he told me that he believed the same thing. Weird hearing that coming from him because I never took him as a guy who believed much beyond this world.
While I often relapse, I still believe it is true. I'm not completely in control of my own life and I should stop getting frustrated when things happen that are beyond my control.
Read an interesting journal entry by Roger Ebert earlier today. He wrote about frission, which is a French word for a "a brief intense reaction, usually a feeling of excitement, recognition, or terror." and how our brains in the internet age have become re-wired to seek frission rather than longer-term projects that require more focus and attention, yet provide a more lasting sense of satisfaction (like a book). I've noticed this in myself. Lately I've found that books don't really have much interest for me. Whereas it could take me a few days read a book, I could finish a movie in an hour-and-a-half or read a tweet in a few seconds and get the same sort of emotional response. Such a response is more fleeting, of course, but does that really matter? Is one sort of response better than another?
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