Sunday, November 8, 2009

Had a pretty good week this week. The big thing that happened was that I turned 25, today in fact. Physically, of course, being 25 is the same as being 24 but psychologically, there is a difference that doesn't exist, in, say between turning 23 and turning 24. When you are 25, you can start (reasonably) viewing the span of your life in terms of a century. 25, a quarter of a century. 24% doesn't really say much, but 25%, ah, that's something you can use!

Milestone birthdays also have a way of putting your life so far into clearer focus. What have you accomplished? More importantly, what have you missed out on? My mind always tends to go to that place. What have I missed out on? It seems like a lot, but thinking in it in this way gives you incentive to move forward. Yes, I've missed out on a lot, but hey, that just gives me more to do and will make the next 25 years all the more impressive.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.