Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday May 29

Morning blog:

I've been feeling a bit stressed lately. Part of the reason is that I'm not quite where I thought I would be in life right now. I really, really thought that I'd have a job by the time I left Cruces. It didn't happen that way and I need to learn to deal with it. Large chunks of idle time of never been that good for me. I tend to go a little crazy.

When it comes to this stress and confidence question, I ultimately I need to ask myself why. What's the point of feeling this kind of pressure? Things are going to happen how they are going to happen and there isn't that much you can do about it. I cannot control how other people will act, only how I react.

I was thinking for a little bit that I may try and get my job back at Hastings during my off time. It will give me something to do, at least, was the thinking. But I've been going back and forth on this. A part of me just thinks I should enjoy the free time because I may never have it again in my life.

Decisions Decisions Decisions

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.