Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar Thoughts

* Penelope Cruz was probably my 3rd choice to win Supporting Actress. I would have easily taken Adams or Tomei over her, but I guess she was going to win one eventually (so will Adams, too, I think and Tomei already has), so might as well have been this year, right?

* Whatever little respect I had for the opinions of Bill Maher just went right out the window after his shameful display last night. Just because you have an opinion on a certain subject, and the constitutional right to say it, doesn't mean you should. Especially if millions of moviegoers could possibly be offended by it. He's just a smug bastard, that's all there is to it.

* Speaking of opinions, I didn't really think much of what Penn had to say for his acceptance speech. Yeah, it was your typical leftist claptrap, but that's what you expect from Penn and at least his was somewhat relevant to the movie he made, not just random trash like Maher.

* Ah yes, Sean Penn winning Best Actor. I was rooting for Rourke (who wasn't?), but I told myself going in that I would be OK with a Penn win. Despite his douche bag nature, he is in the top 5 greatest actors of our generation and Milk wasn't really such a bad movie anyway. But I guess I was more disappointed than I thought. Consider this, Penn has taken Oscars way from both Bill Murray and now Mickey Rourke, how much do you think the average movie goer will like him now? haha

* As for the musical numbers, well, some people liked them and some people hated them with fiery passion. I can't say that I really felt passionately either way as I never care for musical numbers, regardless of the "quality". Although I can't say that Jackman prancing around on stage would help the success of his new X-Men movie. Who wants to see their Wolverine dancing like a fairy?

* No surprise with Slumdog winning. I'm glad it did. We need more upbeat pictures winning Best Picture.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


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A blog of my post-cancer life.