Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday July 13

Parking lots make me damn near homicidal. Cars are flying backwards and forwards, pedestrians are strolling around and nobody is paying any fucking attention to what they are doing, and if they are, they are simply being douche bags who like to cut people off and go around them when they are already backing out. There are certain lots where I feel like I am constantly taking my life into my hands. At Wal-Mart, for example, people don't seem to understand that pushing a shopping cart does not give you the right to dart out in front of two lanes of traffic!

But what really gets me are those that stop right in the middle of the lot to wait for a space that is 10 feet closer than one that is open. Really, in the time it takes you to wait for some old lady to load her groceries into the trunk you could have walked the extra distance and been in the store already. Odds are these people who wait are fat and could use the extra walking anyway so why are they holding up traffic?!?



I had one of THOSE customers yesterday. She comes to the customer service desk, tells me she rented the wrong movie, and wanted to know if she could get a rain check (i.e. free rental). This happens sometimes and it always confuses me as to how. Yes, sometimes the movies are out of place, your fellow customers are often not courteous enough to put them back correctly, but the movies are clearly marked and know what you are getting by simply looking at the disk. But we couldn't spend a whole second on that now could we?

We aren't supposed to do this, but we could just tell that she was going to be one of those that hollers, screams and annoys until she gets what she wants, so we just gave her the rain check to avoid the trouble. She comes back, two minutes later, and asks me if I had any Unborn Child up at the desk (checked in, but not put out yet). I was confused... I had NEVER heard of this movie before. After a few minutes of confused conversation, turns out she just wanted a copy of The Unborn, of which we had plenty out on the floor. So not only did she get the wrong movie because she didn't look at the disk she got, she didn't even really know what movie she wanted in the first place.


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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.