Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday July 28

At work the other day I ran into an old teacher. I actually do that a lot, sometimes they recognize me, sometimes they don't. This one clearly didn't. I've seen her in the store before but never said anything, but for some reason, this time I did. It's been a number of years and even knowing my name, I wouldn't have been surprised at all if she still didn't remember me. To my surprise, though, she did and she remembered something I did in her class that I had totally forgotten about.

Back in jr. high, before home football games, we would give our road jerseys to a teach to wear in class that day. I guess it was sort of a school pride thing, but she reminded me that I would frequently give her my jersey to wear. I had totally forgotten that I did this, but she remembered and said that it meant a lot to her, especially as a new teacher (which she was at the time) and that she was sad when the school got rid of the practice.

The point of this seemingly important story is this: it can be strange what people remember and what people forget. A singular even that might be totally insignificant to one person (me, in this case, as I totally forgot about it) might be very important to somebody else.

Strange place the mind is sometimes.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.