Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday July 15

Looking back at some of my past entries I've come to realize that this blog is very schizophrenic. So many different subjects covered, and even the way I title my entries is different! That's ok, I guess, I think it's an accurate representation of my thinking, all over the place and lacking in any real consistency. That's fine. I can live with that. But, at least the blog does have some sort of larger purpose, post-cancer life, that has allowed me to maintain it for longer than I have many other blogs.


I was up at 6am this morning. WAAAAAY too early, I say, yet, I couldn't go back to sleep. This sort of thing is especially hard on days where I have to work until late at night, which makes the day that much longer. I could probably solve this problem by simply going to bed later, but by 11:30 I'm usually falling asleep, regardless if I actually want to or not.

The day always seems to go much faster and smoother when I wake up later. There's only so many things you can do during the course of a day, and the earlier you wake up, the more time you have to exhaust all those things, which leads to boredom. See where I'm going with this?


I went and saw Bruno yesterday. I was not at all impressed. It wasn't half as funny as Borat and the characters weren't nearly as likable. It was certainly more daring, I'll give it that, but one can only take so many gay jokes in the span of an 90 minute movie. Judging by the laughter in the theater, nobody else was too impressed with it either.

Borat was a nice but grossly ignorant guy, Bruno was just a jerk.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.