Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm having a really hard time getting over this Barak Obama winning the Nobel Prize thing. Usually after an outrage I go to the gym, lift and run out my aggression, and come home feeling better, but that hasn't happened this time. The more I think about it, the more it bothers me, it wounded me deeper than most other things.

The Peace prize has always been somewhat political, that I understand. But I don't think I've ever seen it as this overtly political. It's almost as if it has nothing to do with promoting peace anymore, rather, just an "I'm Not George W. Bush" award. That's why he got it, because he is the first non-GWB president. In the last few years, other Bush opponents have gotten it too, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Mohamed ElBaradei, but they have at least had SOMETHING vaguely related to peace to make a case on, regardless of how flimsy. Obama has nothing.

It's disgusting to think that, out of all the people who actually risk their lives to promote peace, they deem Barak Obama worthy. Consider the following:

Morgan Tsvangirari, leading of the Zimbabwe opposition, been imprisoned and beaten, risked assassination several times, has not won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Rebiya Kadeer, fighting for Uyghur rights against the Communist Chinese, spent two years in solitary confinement in China.

and..... wait for it....


Yes, the Nobel Committee deemed Barak Obama, a man even SNL was beginning to tease as a "do nothing President" worth of the Nobel Peace Prize. Un.Freaking.BELIEVABLE

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


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A blog of my post-cancer life.