Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday June 22

You know what grinds my gears?

People who don't understand the book business and then take the frustration stemming from that ignorance out on a lowly retail employee. We first had the book signing on Saturday which was a total fiasco since the author didn't seem to understand that corporate and the publishers are the ones who mark-up the prices, not me. You also aren't going to be able to get 20 bucks for crappy Kinko's produced binder full of genealogy garbage.. to do that, we'd have to price it at well over 30 bucks and I don't see why anybody would pay more than 10 bucks for it, to be honest.

Then there is the issue with the paperbacks... No, the paperbacks do not come out as the same time as the hardback. It could take as long as a year for that to happen if the book is popular. They do it for the same reason you are asking, because if they put the paperback out at the same time, everybody would buy that one and they wouldn't make nearly as much off of it. Is it somehow wrong for the book business to be concerned with the bottom line? Why? They make a product that people want and, especially in your case, isn't an absolute necessity. Why shouldn't they be able to make money off of it?


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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.