Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday June 30

Social networking....

I often wonder how good this whole social networking thing has been for me. I have the whole shebang, myspacefacebooktwitter. A good way to keep track with my friends, but my worst fears have come true, they have become an obsession. I haven't always had them and as I recall, I was much happier w/o them.

I'm not quitting social networking, but as part of my bigger life plan, I plan to phase out the social networking. First up, is the one I go to considerably less than I used to, myspace.


SamRay said...

Ya Myspace was the first for me that I stopped using. I had a good run with it from like 05-08 then this past year I just started to use twitter more and more. I never jumped on the facebook train.

KnitChick said...

I faced the same situation with facebook. like the very same. I was looking at people's profiles I didn't even care about. and I was like either obsessed, or I had just made it a habit when I was at home. so I deleted my account. although I miss it sometimes, I think I made the right decision for me at this time.

kikachuck said...

There are times when I feel sooooo tempted just to do that, but if I did, I would lose touch with so many people. I guess it's just all about moderation.

What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.