Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday March 23

Found last night's episode of Breaking Bad to be rather interesing and surpising. So far this season I have noticed a definate shift in emphasis from the cancer to the drugs. I can't say that I really cared for this development, so I was quite impressed to see last night's episode go back a bit to the shows roots and why Walter is doing what he's doing in the first place. Although the show should be a little careful here and make sure that the story doesn't get too complicated and confusing.

I'm thinking that a digital camera is something I need to invest in. I've been using my mom's, but it stays here when I go off to school and it's a bit antiquated anyway. I rarely have expensive items of my own, I usually go without or ask mom and dad to get one for me, and I was going to look into getting a roomba, but since I have some money now, I'm thinking a camera might be the way to go.

I guess we'll see..

Wonderlic scores came out yesterday for the NFL draft prospects. I could never figure out why this piece of information has been important, nor if it is even used at all in player evaluation, but it certainly makes for some interesting gossip. With the exception of quarterback, center and middle linebacker (the only postions where I think intelligence is relevant), football is mostly physical and about memorization and I happen to think that intelligence and memorization are two totally different things. I wonder if anybody has evaluated the connection between wonderlic score and career success?

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.