Thursday, September 10, 2009

You Know What Grinds My Gears?

Wal-Mart has this commercial in which a somewhat cute looking Italian (or some kind of Spanish) chick is talking about how Wal-Mart has recently lowered the fees on their check cashing service to 3$ and how those savings, calculated to be about 200$/year by her rather dorkish looking husband, could be used to buy goodies such as an LCD t.v. I find this commercial profoundly annoying as it promotes the very essence of fiscal irresponsibility.

First, it implies that the best thing to do with a check is to cash it right away instead of putting it in a bank and saving it. I know out of necessity some poorer people do have to do this, but the family in this commercial seems very middle class. What about savings? Hmmm? Nah, screw that. Spend all the money you save at Wal-Mart on stupid things such as LCD t.v's! What well-off or upper middle class person cashes checks at Wal-Mart anyway when you can do it for free at a bank?

Second, what they suggest buying with the money you save on their check cashing service, is an LCD t.v. In the first place, I'm not sure how you can buy an LCD t.v. off of a 200$/year saving unless you finance it (which is a whole other issue) and second, is an LCD t.v. something you should really be buying when you don't have a bank account and/or saving? Seriously people. Who buys an LCD t.v. in that scenario?

I know I'm reading way too much into this commercial, but it annoys me more every time I see it. They stopped airing it for a while but have recently starting again.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.