Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thoughts on the Obama Presidency

I interrupt this normal blog about cancer to talk a little politics. Now that the election is over (thank GOD!) and we know who are next president is going to be, I naturally had a few thoughts on the matter.

First of all, Obama has a very tough road ahead of him. However, I think his task will be greatly eased by that fact that he isn't named Bush. Foreign policywise, at least, things should be a bit easier for him than they currently are for GWB, largely because Obama is more liked on the world stage. Things could get interesting, however, with Russia. Obama had been president-elect for less than 24 hours before they started trouble and frankly, I'm not sure how one would even deal with a country like Russia. I happen to think that Bush and Putin are cut from the same jib, and while Obama may have an easier task with foreign leaders in general, it may be tougher for him with Russia. We'll see, said the zen master.

The second thing is his relationship with congress. Much like the republicans did for most of the Bush presidency, save the last two years, Obama's party controls both houses by pretty strong majorities. This is both a great opportunity and full of danger at the same time. It's an opportunity, obviously, because he can steamroll his agenda through congress with little resistance and few compromises. The problems, however, can be twofold. First is the fact that, due to the fact that his party does control congress, he (and congress) will have no excuses about getting things done. In the past, they could blame republican obstructionism, they have no such luxury now. A second and opposite problem is the fact that they may get too much done and be viewed as overstepping their bounds. America is, I believe, a center-right nation and if congress and Obama get a little too crazy with leftwingery, they will be gone in 4 years.

In short, I wish our pointy eared overlord luck, but he's sure as hell going to need it.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


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A blog of my post-cancer life.