Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cruces = Bad Karma

I'm starting to think that this town has it out for me. Every time I'm here, I get bad karmic vibes and my life, ends up miserable. The last time I was here were probably the two suckiest years of my life and driving down the same streets, those bad memories linger. This time around, despite the fact that I have taken positive steps to make my time here better than last, it seems to be one frustration after another.

The karmic bitch slap was first felt yesterday, when I went into work to check and see if I was on the schedule or not. Of course I was, only on the times that I had said I was NOT available. Wonderful eh?

Just wait. It gets better.

After getting that oversight fixed -which I understood how such a thing could be done considering the quality of my handwriting- I went to check out a movie only to find that, not only was my special employee rental account gone, but any record of me ever existing in the system at all was gone too! This is strange considering that I have never heard of this company deleting records..... ever.

Of course today didn't get much better. I realized that my drivers license was missing from my wallet and it cost me the whole afternoon trying to find that damn thing.... to no avail, of course. I suspect it is at the video rental store somewhere (where I last remember using it), but of course it was nowhere to be found. Should be no problem getting another one, except for the fact that my identifying documents are 400 miles away.

The other thing was my mail key. I had told them that I didn't have one when I moved in almost a week ago, but of course one hadn't been made yet. I went down to the office to inquire and they told me that they needed the mailman to do it, a fact they didn't mention last time. I waited all afternoon for him, and when he came, I asked him and he said I needed to get somebody in the office. I'm not sure what went on beyond this point, but the mailman did take the old lock off, but I'm still without a mail key of my own.

Seriously...... how hard is this stuff?

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.