Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday April 22

I figured I had better write this entry early or it will get lost in the shuffle that is the last two weeks of school....

That entry I wrote on Monday, and the two poems that I posted, has still stuck with me. I have a rather obsessive personality at times and the caffeine consumption does NOT help. My stupid gmail notifier isn't good for me either and causes me to obsess over my email. Neither are healthy for me, so for the last two days I've been working really hard on cutting back on both. I've had some success, but I'm not sure how long it will be until both become habits. 30 days is an awfully long time...

I've been having goofy dreams again. I used to have them on an almost nightly basis, but haven't had them consistently for over a year now. The last two nights, however, they have returned. Monday night was a doozy involving me working for Hitler at my grandma's house in Milwaukee (hint: she doesn't live there) and having to bake him cookies every night. I'm not sure where to even begin to interpret that one.

The one I had last night I guess you could consider normal. I was here on campus, napping under a tree, when a person I knew in elementary school through high school, somebody I hadn't seen in a very very long time and never even went here came up to me and apologized for all the bad things she did to me in jr. high. The tricky part is that this person never even did anything to me... ever... what was she apologizing for?

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.