Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday May 23

Feeling better today and yesterday than I was on Thursday. It's amazing how much those tiny and relatively insignificant things can bring you down and wreck your whole day. I really shouldn't let it get to me. In fact, I should be happy. The more these things happen, the more I learn who my true friends are and that has always been one of my big problems, these fake friends that bring to me nothing but trouble. Anyway, moving on...

I went and saw James and Ernie yesterday. I was expecting something outrageously hilarious, but rather, got something that was somewhat cute and amusing. I don't know what has happened with my sense of humor, but lately I find absolutely nothing funny. Or maybe it is just very particular? I'm not sure, but the things that most people find funny, I rarely do. I couldn't even describe what I think funny is, come to think of it. 

I'm back at Hastings tonight. No closing, but it is a night shift on Saturday. That not closing, however, makes a big difference because if you want a successful close and to be able to get out reasonably early, you have to think well ahead of the game and plan time accordingly. It's a whole process, really, that consumes the whole shift. I don't have to worry about that tonight... yippie.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.