Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday May 1st

Had a somewhat productive day today. Although it is hard to be real productive when you don't have a whole lot to do. I finished my SAS project (more on this later), had my macro final yesterday, and my econometrics final was canceled, so all I really have is public finance. That's enough, however, because that class is the absolute bane of my existence. I've found it hard to work up sufficient energy to even give a rat's ass about it anymore. It doesn't really seem to matter. I've busted my hump all semester in there and, in all likelihood, I'm going to end up with a low B or even a C. On the last test, I took a different approach to preparation and really focused more on knowing the material by studying it a little bit each day for almost a month... I got an 83 on the test... what a crock of shit!

Then there's the issue of my paper. I thought I had a really original idea that, while somewhat flawed in its execution, came out fairly well. I was proud of it anyway. But I think the professor was less than impressed. I figure if I can't win with this guy there is really no point to busting myself too hard.

The SAS project is another thing that is still kind of up in the air. Since we had no guidelines (literally), I just had to wing it and did what I thought needed to be done with it. He said if we turned it in early he would let us know if some things need to be added. Of course, I tried to do just that yesterday when he said he was going to be in his office.... but surprise... he wasn't. I suppose I shouldn't be so selfish, though. It could have been an emergency... however it is, though, it has really thrown off my plans for the rest of the semester.

I'm trying my hardest to soften my assessment of how this semester is gone, but it has been really hard to do that. I just can't help but feel really unfulfilled by the way everything has gone. I did learn some things, that's true, but a lot of this stuff was on my own and could have been done w/o paying for the books and the lectures.

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What I'm Reading

The Return of The Great Depression by Vox Day

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell


About Me

A blog of my post-cancer life.